“every Jedi builds their own light saber” → yes, good, very wise
“every developer builds their own static site generator” → *loud, knowing sigh*
@arjache Add "Every CS student builds their own shell" to the list. or, well. An older list, I suppose. xD
YODA: [lightsaber extending at 0.5 cm/sec and sputtering] when eight hundred years of posts have you made, deploy not so fast you will
@arjache I've found the arch linux wiki to be the most detailed light saber support on the internet.
@arjache Hey now, they're all still better than using WordPress.
@arjache static sith generator?
@arjache I adopted one.
I intend to rebuild it.
Eons ago, at the dawn of Web 2.0, every developer built their own CMS. Including me.
@arjache@toot.cat OH MY GOD
I feel attacked
“I can't let you touch it, that would defeat the purpose. See only I know the build chain and the deployment of this particular site generator. That way, when you look at your generator, you know beyond a doubt that you can't use anyone else's HOWTO.”
I'm not a developer!
And it is so long ago, that I can't remember the programming language. And the page never went online.
Actually my very first project that set me on a path towards becoming a professional developer was a static site generator for a music library
Maybe I should rewrite it in Rust
@alter_kaker @arjache When I build something with music it too has a lot of static (noise) in it.
@arjache Luke and Rey didn't at first.
@arjache ask me about the time I accidentally invented server side rendering
@arjache@toot.cat look, i-
looks at my static site generator
@arjache an elegant weapon... from a more civilized time.
@arjache ... we don't hear about light sabre accidents do we ... energy weapons that will cut through ... anything? ... built by a high-schooler?
@arjache Sigh, yep. And now that I’ve made my ~bed~ [Rube Goldberg machine] I must ~lay in it~ [keep writing more and more code to achieve basic functionality].
@arjache I’m reading you while taking a break from working on mine.
@arjache Not I!!!
I built my own static site generator*s*
@arjache as long as they dont develop their own crypto, they can have fun with their static site generator. as a treat.